
Cosmico is a series of 24 digital images meant to acknowledge an acute point in time in a specific location: that of the FEMGEN show opening in Marfa, Texas on Friday September 22, 2023. With straightforward text describing momentary data in the aesthetic of fervent handwriting, the series is meant to focus viewers in on the here and now, and situate themselves within this exact point between history and future - with sharp awareness. 

More about the show, FEMGEN, curated by Vertical Crypto Art and Right Click Save, in an interview here.

The images were created using a combination of generative processes and manual design. The text system was created from my own handwriting, a fervor carefully captured from a lifetime of practice into a permanent, digital representation. 

Text used throughout the compositions:

friday september twenty second two thousand twenty three

femgen at glitch gallery on el paso street in marfa texas united states earth 

latitude three zero point three one zero two seven zero longitude one zero four point zero two zero one six zero

right this second

this second in this moment in this day in this week month year in this time

a grain of sand a wisp of wind a passing cloud a drop of rain a pixel a honk

these four walls built for right this second 

at this point in time

While the majority of the images are straightforward grayscale, three outputs stand out with warm, reddish colors, inspired by the colors of Marfa: a moment of desert light in a vast landscape. Cosmico juxtaposes the intimate and immediate nature of handwriting with the sensation of an ongoing timeline and a whole wide world.



