Robin Hood Foundation
Annual Benefit 2019
Through a landscape of mathematical symbolism, Robin Hood showed guests how a good education can lead to opportunity, power, and access. On screens embedded into decor, math became human as hands wrote out equations describing Robin Hood’s mission. Backpacks, later donated, lined the entry hallway. Inside, giant geometric shapes fooled the eye as some were dimensional and others were a flat optical illusion.
Javitt’s Center, NYC
May 2019
Senior Experiential Designer
Performers depended on each other like the community depends on Robin Hood and their donors.
agency: David Stark Design
in partnership with nimblist
creative director: David Stark
senior designer: Emily Edelman
design coordinator: Asabea Ayres
technical designer: Tom Houston
floral director: Susie Montagna
photographer: Susie Montagna
graphic designer: Esteban Salgado